Useful Tips to Make Your Mac More Optimized

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Macs are known for their fast response time and smooth running. But as the years go by, that speed starts to flourish. Even performing daily tasks could get unpleasant to do as it takes more time. In addition to that, your Mac becomes cluttered with various stuff, you do not even recall having, taking all the free space in your hard drive.

Altogether, this not only can be frustrating but also make it hard to organize your work properly. Fortunately, there are ways to make your system not only run faster but more effective to use as well. Hopefully, the following tips will bring all the good experiences with your Mac back.

Send the mess away

The amount of free space on your hard drive can greatly impact how fast a system can run. In addition to that, having no room left for temporary files, which are usually generated while using applications, can even cause corruption of hard drive and data loss. If that is enough to get you serious about the importance of free space, grab a good app cleaner for mac to bring more order to your Mac.

The application given above will help you find all files, whether by size or last usage date. Also, it will take care of cache files, which are used by programs to retrieve data faster, although are not essential and can be safely deleted. Over time, they can occupy a quite big chunk of your drive. Also, it is even capable of removing harmful software, which scatters its files all over your Mac OS, to self-replicate.

Keep your desktop and Dock organized

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Another place you do not want to keep cluttered is your desktop. Mac OS requires RAM to display all of the items on the desktop. It means, the more files will be there, the slower your system will run. So, extra computing resources will be targeted towards fewer essential processes, causing your system to run slower, overall. To prevent that, always try to sort your files on the desktop, leaving only the most important ones, to be able to access them faster. And remember that some files could be hiding, so the best way to see them all is going to the Desktop folder.

Speaking of the desktop, another great tool that should not be forgotten is the Dock. This is another great feature Mac has to make your work organized and efficient. While this will not help your system run quicker, it will improve performance and time to complete your tasks. So the way you are ought to organize your desktop, try to apply the same rules for the Dock. Just keep three to five commonly used applications to make your workplace clean and easier to work with.

Update your system regularly

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Updates are the one thing that should not be ignored. The sole function of them is to ensure that your system and applications will be better than before. This is achieved by fixing various glitches, adding new functions, and optimizing those that already exist. So if you want your Mac to be less vulnerable to hackers or other threats and able to use existing resources more efficiently, updating your system should be among the highest priorities. Especially then it does not cost anything.

Preventing updates also could mean that your software will not be capable to support all the new features applications have to offer or even be laggy while trying to deal with them. Also, one thing that is worth to know about updates, better wait a couple of days before downloading them. That being said, developers like us are ordinary people and sometimes it happens that errors could be missed. 

Do not forget backups

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What is good from all your efforts to make your system cleaner and faster if everything could be lost in the blink of an eye. To prevent that from happening a good practice is to periodically make copies of your system using one of the available backup programs. It even allows you to make a schedule, in case you are going to forget. So you do not need to worry anymore no matter what happens to your beloved Mac. 

Any lost data, system malfunction, or damage done by viruses and cyber threats, will be easily restored. Also, it is a good idea to look for a backup program that is able to save your system copies directly to one of the available cloud storage providers. As you could never know what could happen to you Mac, this way you can have your peace of mind in any situation possible.

With all of the tips mentioned above, your Mac will not only be smoother but also better organized to give you greater work experience. And knowing that you always have the latest backup of your system will keep you calm and protected without a worry of losing all your hard work.